What is SJNY100?

SJNY100 is a three credit course that all first year students take in their first semester in college.  Most universities and colleges around the country offer similar introductions to the college experience.  Our course is “thematically based.”  that means that each section of SJNY 100 has a different topic, ranging from “The Walking Dead” to “Pandemics” to the “Going Green.”  Disciplines as diverse as Philosophy, Criminal Justice, English, History, Psychology,  Art, and many more are represented by our select faculty who have volunteered to work with a small class of Freshmen to explore a topic.


Callahan Library on the LI campus

How should I pick which seminar to take?  
Think about what interests and intrigues you. Your freshman seminar does not have to reflect your career interests. Go ahead: play with ideas.  Do you enjoy music, art, science fiction?  Have you wondered where evil comes from? Would you like to explore movies or horror stories?  There is an App for that!  (Oops, we meant “freshman seminar.”)

Why do we need a first year seminar?
Even if you are not going away for college, you will discover that the college learning experience is dramatically different from that in high school. Your SJNY100 class will give you practice and guidance in learning to do independent research, manage your own learning goals, become a better thinker, writer, and speaker.  An important goal of the class is to invite you to become the master of your own learning, but with the support and guidance of an experienced and caring professor and your fellow students.

OK, so I can see the academic benefits but can’t I just get those from my other classes?
Yes, we know you will but in SJNY100 you will be in a small seminar with fellow first year students who are adjusting to university life, just like you.  We want our class to be a warm and inviting community, both in terms of intellectual adventuring but also socially.  SJNY100 will connect you to other freshmen who are balancing work, school, family obligations while living at home as you are. We are all in this together.

Special Skills focused upon in SJNY100 include becoming a master learner, taking charge of your own education, developing your critical reading, writing, and thinking skills. Your instructor will be your guide through the first semester here at St. Joseph’s University.